The Miami Entrepreneur

CEO Madison Gorn: Changing How Companies Market Themselves in the Digital Space

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If you want to understand how Madison Gorn, a twenty-year-old marketing guru, could become the owner and CEO of Maddie Girl Marketing, you need to understand how she spent her evenings and weekends back in high school. “Okay, I was a bit of a nerd, I admit it!” she laughs. “While my friends were out at the mall or watching movies, I was in front of my Facebook and Instagram pages, tracking how my posts for Maddie Girl Cosmetics were doing. How many likes were they getting? Why? How did that correspond to my sales? I spent hours analyzing the results of my posts and using that information to refine future campaigns. Along the way, I discovered something I hadn’t known before: I absolutely loved marketing. It was just fascinating, and that’s basically why I eventually started Maddie Girl Marketing. No other job could ever be so much fun.”

Although Madison is half the age of her industry peers, she has already achieved their level of success with her company. As word has spread of the young woman with the uncanny instincts for digital marketing, corporations have come calling, including brands seen in Walmart, Target, Sephora, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Ulta. Those who are skeptical quickly realize that, indeed, age doesn’t matter.

“Yes, every once in a while, I run into business leaders who aren’t sure about the idea of working with me, but that doesn’t bother me,” Madison says. “I just stay professional, listen to their goals, then craft a digital marketing campaign that knocks their socks off! It’s the results that matter, after all.”

At Maddie Girl Marketing, Madison has worked on everything from a multi-store, holiday sales blitz, to a back-to-school promotion, to a concert in a park. “Everything I do is so varied, which is one of the best things about my job,” she thinks. “What makes it especially exciting is monitoring what’s happening with a campaign and seeing the results in the company’s sales. It is so interesting to me that marketing has a direct impact on a business’ profits.”

Whether she is coming alongside an established giant like Walmart or helping a new business to get off the ground, Madison has a wide variety of marketing tools to use in the campaign. “A lot of my clients don’t realize how diverse our campaigns are,” she believes. “When they hear ‘digital marketing,’ they think of Facebook or Instagram posts. Yes, that can be part of it, but the Internet is so creative that we’ve got more options than they think, including podcasting, influencer marketing, content creation, NFT development, and more. We don’t think inside the box at Maddie Girl Marketing, and that’s what makes us so different from our competitors.”

Madison believes that the results of her campaigns go beyond a client’s profits. “Yes, of course, the goal is to generate strong, consistent sales,” she allows. “Really, though, the long-term picture is deeper than this. Especially with entrepreneurs who are launching their companies, I am helping to shape the next generation of business leaders in this country. That’s a responsibility that I don’t take lightly.”

She predicts that online marketing will continue to evolve in the months to come. “Look at all the platforms that are being created,” she marvels. “Our innovators are giving us excellent tools to work with. You absolutely must keep up with what’s being released and see if it could be a good way to connect with your customer base.”

For all the entrepreneurs, especially women, that dream of owning their own businesses, Madison offers this advice: “Be wise enough to accept help when you don’t know how to do something but strong enough to keep going when someone tells you that your dream is impossible. In the end, anything can be achieved if you are persistent, get up when the business world knocks you down, and have a strong message that the world needs to hear.”

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