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Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak reject calls to resign over lockdown fines

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The PM and chancellor apologise for attending a party in lockdown, but pledge to stay in post.

Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak

Image source, No 10

Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak have pledged to stay in post despite being fined by police for breaking lockdown rules in Downing Street in June 2020.

The prime minister, the chancellor and the PM’s wife all received fixed penalty notices for attending a birthday gathering for the PM in No 10.

As a result, Mr Johnson became the UK’s first serving prime minister to be sanctioned for breaking the law.

All three apologised, but both the PM and Mr Sunak rejected calls to resign.

Mr Johnson said he felt “an even greater sense of obligation to deliver on the priorities of the British people”, while the chancellor said he was “focused on delivering for the British people”.

But bereaved families said there was “simply no way either the prime minister or chancellor can continue” in their jobs, calling their actions “truly shameless”.

Amanda McEgan, whose daughter Isabel died during the pandemic, said the prime minister’s conduct during the lockdowns made restrictions on the 19-year-old’s funeral “more hurtful”.

Opposition parties accused Mr Johnson and Mr Sunak of lying to the public about their attendance at the Downing Street gathering, with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and the first ministers of Scotland and Wales demanding they step down.

The SNP and the Liberal Democrats also led calls for Parliament to return from its Easter break so the PM and chancellor could face questions from MPs.

But a raft of cabinet ministers publicly back Mr Johnson and Mr Sunak – including Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, who said they were “delivering for Britain on many fronts”.

The fines come as part of an investigation by the Metropolitan Police into illegal parties held in Downing Street and across Whitehall during Covid lockdowns in 2020 and 2021.

The force is looking into 12 parties overall, and has already issued more than 50 fines, with more expected to come.

Speaking on Tuesday, the PM said he accepted “in all sincerity that people had the right to expect better” from him.

He claimed the event he was fined for attending – a gathering in the Cabinet Room to mark his birthday – was “brief” and lasted “less than 10 minutes”.

He added: “In all frankness, at that time it did not occur to me that this might have been a breach of the rules.

“But, of course, the police have found otherwise and I fully respect the outcome of their investigation.”

A spokesperson for the prime minister’s wife, Carrie Johnson, said she had accepted the police’s findings and “apologises unreservedly.”

Mr Sunak later released a statement, saying: “I understand that for figures in public office, the rules must be applied stringently in order to maintain public confidence.

“I respect the decision that has been made and have paid the fine.”

But the “full” and “unreserved” apologies did not silence critics of the PM and chancellor.

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Labour’s deputy leader, Angela Rayner, tweeted: “You made the rules. You broke your own law. Just go.”

The SNP’s Westminster leader, Ian Blackford, said the two leading Tories had “insulted the millions of people who faithfully followed the rules”.

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey said: “This is a government in crisis neglecting a country in crisis.”

Plaid Cymru’s Commons leader Liz Saville Roberts accused Mr Johnson and Mr Sunak of having an “arrogant sense of exceptionalism and a belief in their own entitlement”.

“If they have any honour they will resign,” she said.

And Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said that both had broken “the very laws they made to try and keep this country safe in a pandemic and must now resign”.

However, Work and Pensions Secretary Therese Coffey said it was “important for the country that [the PM] and the chancellor get on with the job the country elected them to do.”

Veteran Conservative MP Sir Roger Gale, who had previously called for Mr Johnson to resign, said the situation was “serious” and that the PM had “effectively misled the House of Commons”.

But, he said, now was not the time to “unseat” Mr Johnson amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Writing in the Telegraph, former Conservative Party leader Iain Duncan Smith said the revelation of rule-breaking had been “astonishing and angering”, but added: “We are facing two national calamities, the war in Ukraine and the cost-of-living crisis.

“The sheer scale and urgency of these issues place a premium on leadership, which is why… this country’s leadership must be allowed to get on with the job.”

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Reports of parties being held in Downing Street during lockdowns first emerged in December last year, with Mr Johnson initially insisting that “guidelines were followed at all times”.

Mr Sunak also told the Commons: “I did not attend any parties.”

The PM then ordered an inquiry into the allegations of rule-breaking, led by senior civil servant Sue Gray.

The Met initially said it would not retrospectively investigate the allegations unless “significant evidence” of a regulation breach came forward.

But after Ms Gray passed information to officers, they launched their own inquiry.

Her full report will not be released until the Met have concluded their investigation.

Sue Gray’s record of the gatherings

The government has faced intense pressure over gatherings held in and around Downing Street during Covid lockdowns. Senior civil servant Sue Gray has said that many of them “should not have been allowed to take place or to develop in the way that they did.” Here is what we know about them and the restrictions in place at the time:

A photo from May 2020 showed the prime minister and his staff with bottles of wine and a cheeseboard in the Downing Street garden. When asked about it, Boris Johnson said “those people were at work talking about work”.

Boris Johnson was pictured with his wife Carrie as well as Downing Street staff

The rules:

Legal restrictions at the time said you could not leave your house without a reasonable excuse and government guidance was that you could meet one person outside of your household in an outdoor setting while exercising.

This event is not being investigated by the police.

About 100 people were invited by email to “socially distanced drinks in the No 10 garden this evening”. Witnesses told the BBC the PM and his wife were among about 30 people who attended. Boris Johnson has declined to say whether he was among those there.

This event is being investigated by the police.

A gathering took place in the Cabinet Office to mark the departure of a No 10 private secretary.

This event is being investigated by the police.

On Boris Johnson’s birthday, up to 30 people gathered in the Cabinet Room at No 10 to present the prime minister with a birthday cake and sing Happy Birthday, according to a report by ITV News.

No 10 said staff had “gathered briefly” to “wish the prime minister a happy birthday”, adding that he had been there “for less than 10 minutes”.

The rules:

Restrictions at the time banned most indoor gatherings involving more than two people.

This event is being investigated by the police.

Sources told the BBC that Downing Street staff members attended a gathering with Carrie Johnson in the flat where she and the prime minister live. A spokesman for Mrs Johnson denies the party took place. There was a separate gathering in No 10 Downing Street  on the same day to mark the departure of a special adviser.

The rules:

Eight days earlier Boris Johnson had announced a new lockdown in England. Indoor gatherings with other households were banned, unless they were for work purposes.

These events are being investigated by the police.

A leaving event was held for No 10 aide, Cleo Watson, where people were drinking, and Mr Johnson made a speech, according to sources.

This event is not being investigated by the police.

The Department for Education has confirmed it had an office gathering to thank staff for their work during the pandemic. It says drinks and snacks were brought by those who attended and no outside guests or support staff were invited.

The rules:

Eight days earlier, London had been placed in restrictions which banned two or more people from different households from meeting indoors, unless “reasonably necessary” for work purposes.

This event is not being investigated by the police.

The Conservative Party has admitted that an “unauthorised gathering” took place at its HQ in Westminster. It was held by the team of the party’s London-mayoral candidate, Shaun Bailey, who has since stepped down as chair of the London Assembly police and crime committee. The Metropolitan Police is to speak to two people who attended the party.

The gathering at the Conservative Party headquarters was described as ‘raucous’

This event was not included in Sue Gray’s report.

Multiple sources have told the BBC there was a Christmas quiz for No 10 staff last year. A photo – published by the Sunday Mirror – shows Boris Johnson taking part and sitting between two colleagues in No 10. Mr Johnson has denied any wrongdoing.

Mr Johnson was pictured in the No 10 library under a portrait of Margaret Thatcher

This event is not being investigated by the police.

The Department for Transport has apologised after confirming reports of a party in its offices, calling it “inappropriate” and an “error of judgment” by staff.

The rules:

London moved into the highest tier of restrictions and Matt Hancock, who was health secretary at the time, said it was important “everyone is cautious” ahead of the festive period.

This event was not included in Sue Gray’s report.

A leaving party was held at the Cabinet Office for the outgoing head of the civil service Covid taskforce – the team responsible for drawing up coronavirus restrictions.

Kate Josephs, now chief executive of Sheffield City Council, apologised for the event, saying she was “truly sorry that I did this and for the anger that people will feel as a result”.

A second gathering was held in the Cabinet Office to hold an online Christmas quiz for the Cabinet Secretary’s private office.

A third gathering was held in No 10 Downing Street to mark the departure of a No 10 official

These events are being investigated by the police.

Downing Street originally denied a report by the Daily Mirror that a party took place in Downing Street. However, a video obtained by ITV News showed the prime minister’s then-press secretary Allegra Stratton, joking about reports of an event, saying: “This fictional party was a business meeting and it was not socially distanced.”

This event is being investigated by the police.

A gathering was held in No 10 Downing Street to mark the departure of two private secretaries.

This event is being investigated by the police.

Two parties were held by Downing Street staff at No 10, the night before Prince Philip’s funeral.

One of the events was a leaving party for the PM’s then director of communications James Slack, who has apologised for the event and acknowledged it “should not have happened at the time that it did”.

Boris Johnson was not at either party.

The rules

The rules had been eased in England on 12 April, but working from home continued to be recommended and socialising indoors with people from other households was not allowed. Meeting others outdoors was limited to groups of six people or two households.

These events are being investigated by the police.

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