The Miami Entrepreneur

Social Activism Finds a Dedicated Online Home on the SoAct Platform

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Activism is on the rise. With Gen Z taking a stronger interest in social justice than many previous generations, it’s becoming more popular than ever. Many young activists are sharing ideas and joining the action through social media, especially Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. Professional recruiter and entrepreneur Peter Clark has observed a notable rise in this type of engagement across a variety of platforms. Though these platforms have facilitated the growth of social activism, their separation may be hindering its potential. 

“I see all these people gathering in smaller groups across different platforms, and I thought to myself: what if we could concentrate that effort into a centralized location and unite the users in support of causes they’re already fighting for?” This was the spark for Clark’s newest project. He envisioned a single platform dedicated solely to social activism, where people around the world can gather to discuss, support, and organize for causes they care about. The result of this vision – and years of work to fulfill it – is the SoAct platform.

Concentrating the Effort on the SoAct Platform

SoAct is a condensed social media platform centered around a common passion for positively impacting shared communities. In the app, users can form groups that are focused on one area, such as sustainability, blood drives, clothing drives, cancer awareness, or any other issue. In those groups, users have the ability to engage in conversations, share resources, and plan virtual or in-person events. The app features a points and badges system to reward users’ involvement in the platform.

Organizations and nonprofits join the app and host events, give awards and certificates, and grow their communities with easier searchability in the SoAct database.

Organizing for Positive Change

The SoAct team believes in the power of organizing for positive change. Whether you are fighting for social justice or raising awareness about a local issue, everyone has the power to become an activist. Wherever a person is in their activism, advocacy, and awareness journey, SoAct is a place where they can connect with like-minded people to make a positive difference in the world, no matter how small.

Though SoAct is still in the early stages of its launch, it is already gaining momentum. While the app has faced its fair share of challenges, the team is totally undeterred. “It’s always a challenge going up against the big guys – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok – but we’re doing something unique, and I think people are really going to respond to it,” says Clark.

Born to Work

On top of his work with SoAct, Clark is also the creator of the Born to Work brand and the author of its eponymous book. According to Clark, the book – which is based on his own experiences – was written to help those looking to level up their career, choose the right college major, find their first job, or make a career change. 

The book reminds readers to never lose sight of themselves in their work. “I think people need to be reflective on when, where, and why they work,” Clark says. “Our relationship with work is changing so much so fast, and it will only continue to do so.” He hopes that his book and public speaking engagements will help people to find jobs and maintain a healthy relationship with them.

The Future of Social Activism

SoAct stands with its community and supports them in the difference that they are trying to make. SoAct is not just an app, it is a movement that needs us all to collaborate to build a better future. SoAct hopes to become the face of online social activism and the go-to place for getting involved.

Learn more about Peter Clark’s SoAct platform on the official website.


The post Social Activism Finds a Dedicated Online Home on the SoAct Platform appeared first on The Kerplunk.

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